11 days tour is your unique opportunity to experience the very best of western Uganda. The tour combines the classic East African safari experience with an unmistakably Ugandan twist. We begin with Zziwa Rhino sanctuary and then head on to attend marvel at the allure of savannah; Murchison Falls, Lake Mburo and Queen Elizabeth National Park. After tracking the ‘big 5’ proceed to the tropics for the ecstatic chimp trekking in Kibale and lastly gorilla trekking in Bwindi.

Highlights of the Safari

Day 1:  Entebbe Airport – Entebbe

Day 2: Entebbe – Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary – Murchison Falls National Park

Day 3: Murchison Falls National Park

Day 4: Murchison Falls National ParkHoima

Day 5 : Hoima – Kibale National Park

Day 6 : Kibale National Park – Queen Elizabeth National Park

Day 7: Queen Elizabeth National Park

Day 8: Queen Elizabeth National Park – Bwindi National Park

Day 9: Bwindi National Park

Day 10 : Bwindi National Park – Lake Mburo National Park

Day 11 : Lake Mburo National Park – Entebbe

Safari Activities

  • Chimpanzee trekking
  • Birding
  • Game Drive
  • Boat Cruise
  • Gorilla Trekking

Details of Safari

Day 1: In Entebbe

Meet and greet with representative at the airport, from here-follow them to the safari car to introduce you the driver guide for the whole tour. Soon the drive to the hotel in Entebbe; on reaching relax and prepare for the long adventure expedition soon to start tomorrow. Our driver is ready to answer your questions on the trip or other needs you might have during the trip!

Day 2: Zziwa Rhinos Enroute Murchison Falls

Serve a taste breakfast and drive north via Masindi to the Murchison falls National Park – entering at the southern gate. This sights-filled journey takes you through the verdant Kaniyo Pabidi Forest towards the Kichumbanyobo Gate. You have left Buganda Kingdom way behind and now you are in the land of their traditional enemy Bunyoro Kingdom (these rivals are no longer existent today). This tantalizing road trip is elevated with a visit at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary at Ziwa. Meet the trained rangers who show you around – teaching you everything about the endangered white Rhino as you go Rhino Trekking expedition. The other wildlife species at the sanctuary including Uganda kobs, oribis, reed bucks, hippos and crocodiles. We reach Murchison falls in the late evening, check in the lodge and rest. Lunch is served Enroute!

Day 3: Murchison Falls National Park
Today’s first activity is a game viewing drive. Murchison Falls is home to all other members of the Big 5 but the rhino. The resident animals here include; hippos, buffalos, giraffes a good vary of antelopes and monkeys. Most of the game viewing takes place around the Buligi game tracks in the northern sector. The park also swells with the Nile – Albertine Delta that is also a preferred refuge to a good number of bird species, say; African fish eagles, the rare shoebill storks and more to see. Serve lunch and join in on the sunset boat ride along the foot of Murchison Fall; carry your cameras for the excellent safari photography. Major highlights of the boat ride include sailing close to Murchison Falls itself, for you to witness their astounding power and beauty that crops up seeing the world’s longest river forcing way through a narrow gorge and then dropping 40 meters below as it continues its journey north to the Mediterranean Sea. Ecstasy on Ugandan safaris!

Day 4: Murchison Falls National Park – Hoima

Serve breakfast and head south westwards to Hoima Town – the best stopover point between Murchison Falls National Park and Kibale Forest National Park. The town is a unique fusion of both rural and town life then elsewhere in the country. Hoima Town is historically known as the capital of the Bunyoro Kingdom. A tour to the Murchison Falls will always climax without a trip to the Boomu Women’s Group! The Group was established in 1999 in the village of Kihaguzi with aim to fight poverty and create more social and economic development. Today these Women operate a small scale accommodation facility which employs local people and thus a source of income. You also observe other agricultural developments in the area.

Day 5: Hoima – Kibale National Park

You leave Bunyoro and continue to the heart of the Tooro Kingdom; Fort Portal, Uganda’s only town with an English name. The city is built at the foot of the Ruwenzori Mountains thus is a gateway to most of our National Parks in western Uganda. These include Kibale, Semuliki, Bwindi, Queen Elizabeth, and the Toro – Semuliki Wildlife Reserves. Join the visit to Tooro’s grand palace sitting atop the larger Kabarole hill. Birding in Bigodi Wetland vibrant – visit for your preferred species. You also see the webbed feet sitatunga and the great blue turaco call Bigodi home. If by bad lack you don’t see them, there is still more to glance at, for instance; black and white colobus monkeys, bush pigs, and over 200 species of birds that inhabit the swamp.

Day 6: Kibale National Park- Queen Elizabeth National Park

With vivid memories of chimp trekking you continue to Queen Elizabeth National Park that afternoon. We enter via the northern sector popular for the Kazinga Chanel and Kasenyi Plains. Your Africa Savannah expedition continues here.

Day 7: Queen Elizabeth National Park

Drive through the Kasenyi sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park on the game viewing drive to explore different landscape and ecosystems in Uganda. We spend the entire day in Uganda’s oldest and most famous National park. Sights on game drive include; buffalo herds, antelope herds, elephant herds, warthog herds, baboons and the odd lions and leopards with luck. Join the other highlight; the scenic boat ride along the Kazinga Channel. The channel has some of the world’s largest concentration of hippos, buffalo, numerous Nile crocodiles, elephants and a comprehensive host of birds for instance the African fish eagles, Herons, kingfishers, storks and skimmers. Pay a visit to the Kataara Women’s Poverty Alleviation Group which was formed in 2005 to encounter human wildlife conflict in this region of Queen Elizabeth National Park. The group provides alternative income for Kataara families and an incentive to conserve Uganda’s precious wildlife. With souvenir shops to buy items of interest as a way to support local craftsmen.

Day 8: Queen Elizabeth National Park – Bwindi National Park

Today we are in the Southern Sector of Queen Elizabeth called Ishasha Sector – the famous home of Africa’s fig tree climbing lions. From here transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park.

Day 9: Gorilla trekking in Bwindi National Park

Wake up early to transfer to park headquarters for a briefing by the Uganda Wildlife Authority guides. As you trek in the impenetrable forest you appreciate why the forest is called so. Multitudes of other animals you might encounter during this trek include forest duikers and rare monkeys, forest elephants, forest buffaloes, forest hogs among others. We recommend non flash cameras, suitable ware and discipline i.e. listen to your guides. Upon completing the trek you return to the lodge to relax and unwind.

Day 10: Bwindi National Park – Lake Mburo National Park
Today we drive to Lake Mburo National Park near the heartland of Ankole Kingdom. The drive is one of Uganda’s most scenic road trips, a lot of beautiful sight seeing takes place between the Impenetrable forest and into the Ankole grasslands; where the famed long horned Ankole cattle herds graze. Major highlight here in Lake Mburo is the scenic boat cruise on the lake. The boat ride can be done at dawn or dusk depending on your choosing, it usually takes around 2 hours. All cruises begin at the Rwonyo jetty, sights to spot large schools of hippos in the lake, Nile crocodiles and buffalo herds parading the at the banks. The lake is also a significant birding site.

Day 11: Lake Mburo National Park – Entebbe
Your epic safari has now close to its very end but we trust that you had a good time during your state in Uganda. It now time to return to enter to get back home; remember to tell a friend about your safari odyssey in Uganda.

Tour package Includes: 
• Return flight Entebbe-Kisoro with Aerolink Uganda
• Transfer from Kisoro Airstrip to lodge
• Transfer from lodge to gorilla tracking and back
• Transfer from lodge to Kisoro Airstrip
• Accommodation
• All meals at your accommodation
• Packed lunch for the gorilla tracking
• 1 gorilla permit per person (value: US 600)

• International airfares
• Entry visa to Uganda
• A porter during the gorilla tracking (someone who carries your day pack)
• Personal (medical/travel) insurance
• Government tax and park fees increase
• Tips and gratuities to rangers, driver / guide, porter, hotel staff, etc.
• All expenses of personal nature (e.g. drinks, laundry, optional activities, souvenirs etc.)

An optional activities refers to any other activity not catered for by the itinerary but can be done / availed for your consumption at an extra cost.