
Uganda safaris | Wildlife safaris in Uganda |Gorilla safaris in Uganda

Overview of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Savannah Expedition Tour

14 days gorilla trekking & Savannah Expedition Tour avails great opportunity for especially fanatic wildlife lovers, birders & gorilla trekkers to visit and capture the adventures of both the Equatorial Afro montane forest and savannah Eco – systems. This is the perfect chance to look at the vulnerable mountain gorilla and all the members of the big five. The Safari takes you around six amazing National parks, a Rhino Sanctuary, the second deepest Lake in Africa and home to countless Bird species, to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, a UNESCO designated Heritage site and home for the endemic Mountain Gorillas in Uganda. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bwindi_Impenetrable_National_Park

Highlights of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Savannah Expedition Tour

Day 01: Transfer to Murchison Falls and visit  to Zziwa rhino sanctuary

Day 02: Game Drive and Boat cruise at Murchison Falls

Day 3: Transfer to fort portal

Day 4: Chimpanzee tracking in Kibale Forest NP +  Bigodi wetland walk

Day 5: Amabere caves,  transfer to Semliki + night game drive

Day 6: Hot springs visit and shoe-bill Stork boat ride on Lake Albert

Day 7: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park and evening game drive

Day 8: Game drive and launch cruise on Kazinga channel

Day 9: Transfer to Bwindi

Day 10: Gorilla trekking in Bwindi forest

Day 11&12: Drive to Lake Bunyonyi, visit home of Edirisa and Batwa pygmy village
• Day 13: Transfer to Lake Mburo national park
• Day 14: Salt lick and transfer to Kampala

Activities of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Expedition Tour

  • Rhino tracking
  • Game Drive
  • Boat Cruise
  • Chimpanzee tracking
  • Bird watching
    • Night game Drive
    • Village Walk.
Detailed itinerary of  the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Expedition Tour

Day1 of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Expedition Tour: Transfer to Murchison Falls
After breakfast, meet and greet with Driver/Guide at your Hotel in Kampala and drive through Luweero District. You will make a brief stopover at Zziwa rhino sanctuary for Rhino tracking and may see the Shoe-bill Stork. This may take about two hours, have lunch proceed to Murchison falls National Park where you will reside at your choice lodge.

Day 2 of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Savannah Expedition Tour: Game Drive & Boat Cruise
Pre-breakfast Game Drive to spot early risers after which you will return to your lodge for         breakfast and later lunch. Board the afternoon Launch Cruise to the bottom of the falls. You may see elephants, crocodiles, hippos, and water birds like the kingfisher, shoe bill, waterbucks and many more. Overnight at lodge in the park

Day 3 of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Savannah Expedition Tour: Transfer to Kibale Forest National Park
This day is reserved for your drive to Kibale forest National Park. The drive will take you a better part of the day arriving late evening with a stopover for lunch en-route. Dinner and overnight in Fort portal at choice hotel or lodge

Day 4 of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking &Savannah Expedition Tour: Chimpanzee Tracking
Report to the park headquarters for debrief after breakfast at your lodge. You will then be allocated a guide and go in search of Chimpanzees. You will see Chimpanzees in their natural habitat and lots of forest specialists. You will also see other primates like the black and white colobus, vervet monkey and many more. After lunch visit the Bigodi wetland a birder’s paradise, while here you will also see several primates. Dinner and overnight in fort portal at choice hotel or lodge

Day 5 of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Savannah Expedition Tour: Amabere Caves & Spotlit Night Game Drive
After breakfast, drive to the Fort portal crater lakes area. You will see breast like features, hanging on the roof of the cave with whitish milk like substance tickling out – This is a result of a ‘chemical reaction between water and calcium carbonate’ in the course of years forming stalactites and stalagmites. The combination causes the dripping of milk like substance similar to breast milk hence the name of Amabere ga Nyina Mwiru a local word for breasts of Nyinamwiru.
According to an oracle; Nyinamwiru daughter to king Bukuku the reigning king of the Bachwezi at the time; would get married and give birth to a son who would dethrone his grandfather. In a fit of rage Bukuku whose daughter had refused chosen suitors selected by him decided to kill her. He cut off her breasts and threw them in the cave. Unknown to him though Nyinamwiru by the time of her death was already nursing a child Ndahura who later dethroned his grandfather making the oracle come to pass. A hike to the bottom of the caves can be made. However the terrain is slippery and sturdy walking shoes with water, light snack and light rain gear is advised. The hike leads you to the hissing and sight of waterfalls and views of birds, monkeys and squirrels
After the cave visit you will drive to Bundibugyo home of Semliki National park. Settle into your lodge on arrival. You will have a guided spot lit Game Drive at night where you will spot nocturnal wildlife

Day 6 of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Savannah Expedition Tour: Hot Springs Visit & Shoe Bill Boat Ride On Lake Albert
Visit the Sempaya hot springs after breakfast. You will understand the different medicinal aspects of the hot springs and will also boil eggs till ready in the hot springs. After lunch enjoy a birding canoe ride on Lake Albert where you will most likely see the endangered shoe bill. Dinner and overnight at lodge in the park

Day 7 of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Savannah Expedition Tour: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park & Evening Game Drive
After breakfast, leave Semliki and drive to Queen Elizabeth National Park. Check into your lodge and have lunch then enjoy an evening game drive in the crater lakes region. Dinner and overnight at chosen lodge

Day 8 of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Savannah Expedition Tour: Game Drive & Launch Cruise on Kazinga Channel
After breakfast have a morning Game Drive in the park where you may see lions, baboons, elephants, warthogs, antelopes, giraffes and many more. Return to your lodge for lunch then enjoy an afternoon launch Cruise along Kazinga channel. Possible sightings may be huge Nile crocodiles basking in the sun, African fish eagle, black and white cormorants, and large schools of hippos, elephants taking a dip and other wildlife as it waters at the shores. Dinner and overnight at chosen lodge

Day 9 of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Savannah Expedition Tour: Transfer to Bwindi via Ishasha Sector
After breakfast check out of the lodge and drive to Bwindi impenetrable forest via Ishasha sector where you will most likely see the tree climbing lion. You will reach Bwindi in the late evening and check into your lodge for dinner and overnight

Day 10 of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Savannah Expedition Tour: Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Forest
After breakfast report to the park headquarters at 8 am for debrief before embarking on your Gorilla trekking spree. Searching for the gorillas will begin at the spot where they were last seen the day before and can take in between 30 minutes to 6 hours depending on your luck. It is therefore of great importance that you carry light snacks, a picnic lunch, water and a walking stick. Light rain gear is also important since Bwindi is a rain forest and an insect repellent will also come in handy. Wear sturdy walking shoes and long sleeved trousers to guard against the slippery terrain and stinging nettles. Spend an hour with the gorillas when you locate them and head back to your camp. Dinner and overnight at chosen lodge

Day 11&12 of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Savannah Expedition Tour: Drive to Lake Bunyonyi for a Village Walk
After breakfast drive to Kabale home of Lake Bunyonyi. You will enjoy the culture of the local Bakiga and the Batwa pygmies and have a canoe ride to Punishment Island and also chance to taste the local cuisine. Dinner and overnight at chosen lodge

Day 13 of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Savannah Expedition Tour: Transfer to Lake Mburo National Park
After breakfast drive to Lake Mburo national park arriving in time for lunch and in the evening have a boat ride on Lake Mburo where you will see lots of water birds and wildlife that comes to drink at the water banks

Day 14 of the 14 Days Gorilla Trekking & Savannah Expedition Tour: Salt Lick & Transfer to Kampala
After breakfast you will be driven to an observation point to watch the salt lick. Enjoy a game drive as you exit the park and drive back to Kampala with a stopover at the equator for photos.
Other information for the trip

  • We recommend a morning flight so that there is enough room for you to rest from Jetlag.
  • Gorilla trekking is with doubt the most thrilling African adventure safari activity on the continent. Uganda swells of the best gorilla trekking, tracking and habituation experience (you can find out also). Gorilla trekking can easily be done in high / peak season June to September but it can still be done even in the drier months of December through February. The challenge is that trekking permits get outsold because of high demand and so some months may actually go without permit. The alternative though is that you can still do gorilla trekking during the rainy season (March-May) because usually; there is availability of trekking permits for both Bwindi and Mgahinga and accommodation costs are also put at cut-rate.

• Gorilla permits
• Community walk
• Rhino tracking
• Boat Cruises
• Hot springs
• Game drives
• Meals and drinks (drinking water)
• Accommodation
• Inbound transport
• Park entrance fees
• Guides & porters
• Airport transfers
Exclusive of:
• Optional activities
• Visas and Tickets
• Wines and Alcohols
• Personal purchases


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