Overview of the 8 Days Uganda Primates and Wildlife Adventure Safari

Primates & wildlife adventure safari is the perfect opportunity to savor the great taste of African wildlife tours. You will visit the home of the near-threatened white Rhinos and continue to Murchison falls to sail at the bottom of the world’s most powerful falls. You will also join the scenic game drive to glance at a good vary of wild game in both Murchison falls and Queen Elizabeth. Later you will visit the chimps to study their hilarious behavior but in their natural environment.

Summary Itinerary of 8 Days  Uganda Primates & Wildlife Adventure Safari


Murchison falls National Park, Kibale Forest National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park and Lake Mburo National Park.

  • Day 01: Arrive at Entebbe Airport and transfer to Hotel
  • Day 02: Wildlife tracking at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary en’route to Murchison falls
  • Day 03: Game Drive and Boat cruise at Murchison falls NP
  • Day 04: Transfer to Kibale Forest NP, Bigodi Swamp Walk for Primate tracking
  • Day 05: Chimpanzee Tracking  and transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park
  • Day 06: Wildlife Game Drive and Boat Cruise on Kazinga Channel
  • Day 07: Morning Balloon or Chimpanzee/Primate Tracking in Queen Elizabeth and Transfer to Lake Mburo NP
  • Day 08: Adventure/Nature walk in Lake Mburo NP and transfer to Kampala

Safari Activities of 8 Days Primates & Wildlife Adventure Safari

  • Rhino Tracking
  • Game Drive
  •  Nature Walk
  • Chimpanzee Tracking
  • Boat Cruise

Detailed Itinerary of 8 Days Uganda Primates and Wildlife Adventure Safari

Day 1: Arrive at Entebbe and transfer to a hotel
After landing and completing the processes with the arrivals’ desks at Entebbe airport. You shall meet and greet with our company representative who will help you check in the hotel to relax from jet lag. You may join in an evening city tour around Entebbe town to check out the history, culture and economic practices of the people of Uganda.

Day 2: Rhino tracking en-route Murchison Falls National Park
Serve breakfast early morning and begin the sights-filled road trip to Murchison falls national park. Along your way, there several birds, plants & trees, settlement patterns, land use activities that you observe as you drive to the park. En-route you visit Ziwa rhino sanctuary to track the near – threaten white rhinos of Uganda. There not more than 25 animals in the whole of Uganda and therefore you can tell how vulnerable the species is. After tracking the rhinos you then have lunch at Kabalega dinners from where, you drive straight to Murchison Falls reaching in the late afternoon. The driver guide takes you through the check-in procedures at the lodge. Prepare for the next day.

Day 3: Game drive & Launch Cruise
Serve a glorious breakfast early morning and join the awe-inspiring game drive. You stand a better chance to glance the lions and leopards in the early morning because they are retiring from the strenuous hunting expeditions back to their dens to sleep. You will also see other nocturnal birds of prey that would otherwise not be easily seen during bright day. After the long but interesting game drive, return to the lodge for lunch and relaxation. In the later evening, join the sunset boat cruise at the bottom of the falls. While sailing you will glance at the Nile crocodiles, hippos, oaters and a good vary of water birds parading the shores. The birds form a colorful array – big and small – as they busk in the sun. The sensational water ride leaves you with great ecstasy and forever memories. You will also climb the top of the falls to glance at the source of it all. Retire and return to the lodge for dinner and rest.

Day 4: transfer to Kibale National Park, Lunch Enroute Hoima Town
After breakfast, check out and leave Murchison for Kibale, lunch is served en-route (Hoima Town). This drive also has thousands of things to see, for instance land use types, economic activities and somewhat rural architecture. The drive ends in Kibale national park in the late afternoon. Check in the lodge and head on for birding in the Bigodi Swamp. Return to lodge for dinner and rest.

Day 5: chimp tracking and evening cultural thrill
Serve an early morning game drive and join other visitors at park headquarters for briefing. Later fall the range guide but please practice the advice he gives. Chimps are very hilarious animals and carry 98% of human DNA however that doesn’t change the fact that they are still wild game. They will charge at you for any mistake thus extra care id needed while chimp trekking. The activity is long and time-some however it pays with the prize of a magical fun-filled hour with the chimps. Return to the lodge for a brief fiesta and in the evening enjoy cultural performances from one of the enthusiastic cultural groups.

Day 6: transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park and Boat Cruise.
Serve breakfast and transfer to Queen Elizabeth reaching in the afternoon. Kindly check in the lodge, serve lunch and join the afternoon boat cruise along the famous Kazinga channel. There are several things to see such as water birds, hippos, crocodiles, elephants and buffaloes as they enjoy the mad baths and the national border lines between Uganda and DR.Congo on Lake Edward. Return to the lodge for dinner and rest.

Day 7: Game drive & Community Visit
After breakfast, join the game drive to see the explosion craters in the park. There is opportunity to see the climbing lions of Ishasha sector and other wild game. Retire for lunch at the lodge and in the later afternoon visit Lake Katwe in the salt mines and Kasoga village. Return to the lodge for dinner and rest.

Day 8: Departure and memorial photography
Today is last day and the journey to Kampala is yet to start. Like every day, wake up early for breakfast and checkout of the lodge, join the drive back to Kampala. There is a lot to see along the way for instance Igongo cultural center where lunch shall be served. Other remarkable sights include the historical Katonga River and the Equator crossing at Kayabwe. At Kayabwe you take memorial photos along the Equator crossing. The drive ends in Kampala later evening.

Safari Inclusions


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